Saturday, September 7, 2013

A WITCHES GRADUATION This date has been years in the making. To survive, in the modern world, a witch must not only know her spell book, but she must know how to "Hide, in plain sight". This is the code by which all magickal creatures survive, in the modern day. No matter how "advanced", or intellectual, mankind has, supposedly, become, there remain plenty of ill feelings, towards the supernatural community. This is why Wiccan classes remain secret affairs. At Wiccan school number 37, a new group of students is preparing to graduate, while another group is, still being run through introductions. For most students, the main complaint is that Wiccan school is even tougher than regular school. No doubt, this is because reading, writing, and arithmetic are rigorously taught. As the schools head-mistress is so fond of saying: "A successful witch must know how to read, to understand her own spell book. A successful witch must know how to write, in order to create indivual spells. And, unless a witch wants to meet with an un-timely death, then a knowledge, of mathematics is required. If a witch cannot do basic math, how will she know how much ingredients she is using. Remember, too much, of even a GOOD thing can be deadly". Only after the basics are mastered can a witch go on to cast spells, and so on. True witches begin studies, as early as kindergarten, so that skills maybe mastered by adulthood. Late comers take many additional years, to learn new skills, since societal hatred, of witches, must be un-learned. This is why graduation is so important. It signifies that a witch has been properly trained. For reasons best understood by immortal beings, a witches graduation is, always, held on Halloween Night. On this one night of the year, all manner of supernatural beings can come out of the shadows, and practice skills, even in front of mortals. As one witch noted, mortals pay no attention to a witch, on Halloween night. The streets are full of "witches". If a spell goes bad, or blows up, in a witches face, people just assume it was a defective product. The funny thing is that almost no mortals pay any attention to the vast variety of creatures, which roam the Earth, on this night of the year. So many mortals think that it is just great make-up, or realistic costumes. On All Hallow's Eve, witches, ghosts, goblins, demons, and other assorted creatures are able to party, among humans, without being recognized. This is why the night is so perfect for the annual graduation party. Once a witch has her diploma, she becomes directly responsible for the use, and mis-use, of her skills. All responsibility is placed under her direct control. It is then up to her to exercise due control, over her skills. If she does something foolish, and "exposes" herself, the supernatural community will not help her. Yes, Halloween is a night for celebration. For mortals, and immortals. It is a night when both worlds can interract, and enjoy the festivities. A night to say "Hurray!", as well as a night to play games, and just have fun. What the world doesn't know wont harm the witches. Still, prior to the ceremony, each student is required, by immortal law, to show proof that they are in control of their abilities. Any witch suspected of "faking" control is sent back to class, for review training. It is noted that atleast one, 17th generation witch declined graduation, since she feared going up before an assembly, of immortals, hundreds, and even thousands, of years older than she was. History says that her powers were "bound" until, 20 years later, when she decided to complete her training. She was listed as one of the older, but by no means, old-est, witch ever to graduate. If there was one thing which witches, goblins, warlocks, and other supernaturals, loved, and looked forward to, it was a partly cloudy All Hallows Eve. A sky, dotted with clouds, was an excellent moment, for fun and games. Young witches take to the air, on their broom-sticks, while older witches just relax, and enjoy seeing the young express them- -selves. One, 300 year old witch was even heard to tell another witch "Remember when we were THAT young?" When the 85 year old witch agreed, saying that graduation had felt so "liberating", The older witch said "Those were the days." Yes, Graduation Day is a time which ALL creatures, not just humans, look forward to. A magickal time for the young to learn to use their "gifts", while peers reminice about "the good old days". Ofrcourse, ALL young witches are taught the dark history, of the Salem witch trials, as well as the (The Witches Hammer). This history is ingrained into each witches psyche, to ensure that the young protect themselves from a populace, made fearful by too many "wicked" witch movies. Still, what a magickal sight it is, seeing the sky full of happy, young, graduates, all flying about,under the control of a Master Witch, whose directions are not to be ignored. After all, who would want to tell a doctor that a young adult was injured,while mastering their broom? As the "Witching Hour" approaches, young and old gather around camp-fires, to pay tribute to those who came before. Each witch will make a tribute, by volunteering a sachel, of her own making. A sachel, of herbs, roots, and scents, of her own choosing. The sachel will be her promise to abide by the rules of the supernatural world. It is when the glow, of the fires, take on a rainbow of colors, in the night sky, that the witches will know that Mother Earth has accepted the offerings. After the rainbow ceremony, most of the elder witches will call it a night. As they will tell the young, "Even witches have lives to attend to". There will be no complaints, if the young graduates choose to practice, into the night, just as long as they remember to return home, by daybreak. The young do not ask why. They have been told the stories of witches, who were driven from lives, loves, and families, to escape the label of "witch". Discretion is a witches best chance at survival. Another class will graduate understanding the fun, and the peril, which their skills may bring. Another chapter in the age-old story, as new witches come into the world to replace retiring witches. A time-honored tradition, carried on by another class of hopefulls.

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