Wednesday, September 11, 2013


CEMETARY TERROR In an area, barely even marked, on any map, there lies a cemetary, with a long, and mysterious, past. According to most legends, the cemetary was created by eastern colonists. Some legends say that the cemetary was started when a wagon train got caught, in a blizzard and half of the settlers died. Other legends say that the settlers began fighting, among themselves, over possessions, such as food, or companionship. Still other legends say that the settlers were ambushed, and sacrificed, possibly to Satan. Whatever its origins, since the cemetary came into being, locals have held a fear for the old place. One of the older stories says that the iron perimeter fence was erected in the 1600's, after a settler allegedly drove over some graves, thereby disturbing the occupants. (Whether it was true, or not, history does not say). All that history says is that, once the offending wagon was removed, from the cemetary, that a wood, and barbed wire, fence was erected, until the permanent iron fence could be installed. What purpose the iron fence was to serve remains unknown, beyond old rumors, and tales. Some rumors claim that the black-stained metal was used to hold the spirits, of the un-dead, on the property. If this were true then someone should have told the builders not to bother. Despite the fence, spirits are seen wondering the local area, especially on nights when the fog is heavy, and the moon is full. Ofcourse, there are, also, the stories, about why the iron fence posts are topped with crosses. Stories which include dark witchcraft being used to make slaves, of both the living, and the un-dead. According to legend, the iron crosses, and iron parts, have been blessed, by a holy man, using rare herbs. The goal being to let the dead rest in final peace. This story also tells of why five of the graves, in the graveyard, were, never, marked. Legend says that these five graves contain the cursed remains, of the five dark witches, who attempted to turn locals into mind-less laborers. Although no living person ever saw the dark witches remains, it is said that, when holy water was applied to the corpses, that the witches cried out, in death agony, as the purity, of the Lord, was upon them. After the holy water, crosses, and other, anti-evil, marks, and emblems, were applied, to the remains, it is claimed that the dark witches cries could be heard, as their coffins were lowered into their un-marked, resting places. So many stories. So many fables. Who is to know what is true, and what is just make believe? Make believe: Like the stories about a single, dark, witch, who escaped punishment, and, even now, roams the area, seeking dis-obedient children, for sacrifice. Stories? Fables, to make children obey rules? Who is to say what is, and what is not? What no one seems to know is when the old church, next to the cemetary was built. Local records show that services were performed at this church, since the 1600's. As to the identity of the builders, and why they chose to build, in that place, there are no surviving records. All that anyone knows is that the church has stood watch over the cemetary, for centuries. According to legend, though, each October, it is said that the church seems to arch its body, as if watching for, or over, something. Every October, the churches shadow seems to fall more over the cemetary than at any other time of the year. What has been baffling locals, just as much, is the yearly rash, of vandalism. Sure, there were tricks, right from the start, but the real trouble began when many of the original wooden markers, which were decayed and falling to pieces, were replaced with headstones. Each year, by November 1st, head-stones are smashed, and seem to be hurtled about. There are, also, reports, of yearly "parties". Some legends say that, each October, the spirits, of the long dead, come out, for a month of nightly parties. Some say that the parties can get pretty wild. Sometimes, gun-shots (or is it champaign corks) can be heard. Then there are reports, of deep, throaty, growls being heard, as well as hideous laughter, which would make ones blood run cold as ice, and oneshair stand on end. The local police have grown accustomed to the usual, October, reports, of glowing ghosts, banshee's, and even a few fire-breathing demons. Tall, short, and everywhere in between. There have been those, either brave of heart, or totally stupid (depending on ones point of view), who have braved the mist, of the October nights, for a first-hand look at what goes on. In some cases, though, the observer(s)is found....dead. For those who survive, few will believe the tales, which observers come back to town with. Tales of seeing dark witches stirring cauldrons, while demons, and imps, dance, and frolick about. Are there, actually, werewolves, vampires, and even witches, buried in this place? Only the dead (or, perhaps, the un-dead) have the answer to this mystery. As for what it is, which is seen gliding silently, across the October night sky, no one is willing to reject that it might be either the spirit, of the surviving, dark, witch, or the spirit of one, perhaps a light witch,who was put to death, by mistake, centuries ago. The cemetary has no alarm system, since none will operate, in this ancient place. The same is true, of the church. the only building, in the area, without electric lights. For centuries, the church has been lit, by candle-light, and so it may be, forever-more. All that anyone will say is that, if one wants to watch the "festivities", inside the cemetary, on an October night, it is best to observe from the far side of the nearby road. It is also best not to use a favorite car, since it is said that some sprites love to hurtle pumpkins, and other items, over the iron fence. Whether their target is a paint job, or a tire, they can be heard laughing as pumpkin innards, or other objects, smash against an un-wary car. What is said to make the sprites especially happy is when they hit, and break, windows. Some sprites are reported to jump 15 feet into the air, when glass is heard breaking. This is why it is best to take an old clunker, for any stake-out. How old is the cemetary? No one knows. How long will it last? No one can say. What is the truth, about the old church? If anyone knows, they are not speaking up. All that is known is that the cemetary casts a dark shadow, during October, as the dark outline, of the old church, with its peeling paint, broken windows, and rotting shutters, keeps watch over the cemetary. A dark, and lonely, sentry, keeping watch. But, over what?

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